Administrative Office Skills
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Operating in any office setting can be very demanding, answering the phone and dealing with the general public in a professional manner is important. However there’s more that goes on behind a customer service desk of any order. Learning how to operate efficiently by applying key customer service skills and work space management, will result in your managing your work day with self confidence.
  • Learn time management techniques used by Fortune 500 CEO’s
  • How to effectively use office related software; such as Word, Excel, and others
  • Basics in closing sales over the phone
  • How to prepare reports and basic book keeping
  • Computer networking and file recovery
  • Handling stress and dealing with difficult customers
  • Other resources and information offered
No matter your level of knowledge in an office setting, we can teach you strategies and planning to improve productivity. All tasks will feel easier to do with our “Results Approach” You will be ready to handle larger projects with confidence and will enjoy doing it!
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